Dear customers and animal lovers,
welcome to my little shop for custom dog coats.
For quite some years now I have donated dog coats to freezing and sick dogs, mainly living in Eastern European animal shelters, where it gets very cold in the winter and who desperately long for
a loving family.
You now can buy such a warm coat, in limited quantities, for your furry friend, custom-made to your dog's own measurements.
Your darling is freezing in the cold winter, is sick or old, has no undercoat or skin problems and you do not find a well-fitting ready-to-wear dog coat ?
In my "happydog-shop" you can order a made-to-measure coat, sewn with love and care and made out of your favourite fabrics.
You can choose between various designs like "HappyDog-Basic" or "HappyDog-Comfort".
"No matter how thick or thin, how tall or small, we clothe them all"
to be continued ...
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